College: Expectations vs Reality, Advice and more…

Oh my C.Diary, I missed you…

How are you everyone !!

I hope your exams went well   🙂

I don’t know about you, but I finished my exams a while ago. And, usually at the end of each semester, I tend to sit and have a little conversation with myself about what I learned and what this semester has taught me.

I definitely changed since I first started College. Going through new experiences and doing things out of my confront zone participating in clubs, doing more presentation (which I still hate but I am working on it), building relationships with new/very “different” people, totally shaped my personality.

If you are just about to start your College journey, I think it is preferable that you know some things that might prepare you (hopefully) for it.

I admit it, College is a unique experience, yet a very challenging one. Before starting College, and based on people’s thoughts and opinions, my imagination created this perfect picture of me: surrounded by a lot of friends, doing a lot of activities, having the best roommate with whom I am sharing my ideas and hanging out, and especially having time for my blog.   🙂   Oh well! It didn’t happen.

I am having a hard time withpeople. And I don’t know if it’s just me but, with my little experience, I got to the point where I can clearly see/feel if this or that person is fake or not (please comment if you can feel it too). Also, I didn’t participate that much in clubs’ activities. My excuses would always be:I can’t because I have a lot of work to do or I am very tired, you know with all the exams and stuffs orI have to clean my room… and the list goes on. Not that I am shy or lazy to do it, but I would always prefer a good nap instead.

This is actually how I look during finals.      🙂

But hey, this is my experience, and everybody has his own. A lot of people out there are enjoying it to the fullest which is great, and you will too. Still, I think you have to be aware of those little details that not everybody will tell you, so that you are mentally prepared:

  • You will not always find the best roommate.
  • You will not always have the best schedule (for example: no morning classes).
  • You will have to believe in yourself in order for others to believe in you.
  • At the beginning of the semester, you will create your own personal schedule that, by the end of the first month, won’t follow anymore (totally me).
  • You will sometimes feel lazy to the point where you don’t want to talk to anybody: Especially if you are like me and live/will live in a dorm, you will wish (sometimes) to have your own space and not have to talk to anyone.
  • You will have to learn how to make the first move (start conversation with others, and don’t wait for them to talk to you); be confident and outgoing. (believe me, I am very bad at this but surely working on it).
  • You will think you will blog everyday, but you won’t be able to (at least for me), because of all the work you will have.    😉

Keep in mind that I am not writing this to scare you and make you hate College, or even discourage you from going to College. These things are part of College life, and are what make College a special experience. <I have never shared my room with someone until  I started College; and I am very grateful for this opportunity. Thanks to this experience, I am now able to share my room with others (which I was incapable to do)>.

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I really hope you relate to any of the things I’ve talked about. College is a UNIQUE adventure! No one will tell your story, make it special, fun and exciting.

If you are about to start College, I wish you a good luck. And if you are like me and still continuing this journey, let’s make the rest of it even more exciting.

~~Don’t wait until you reach your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of each step you take toward reaching that goal~~

Now it’s your turn: Are you in College? What are the things that you didn’t know about College before starting it? What is your favourite memory so far?

You can follow me on Instagram and  Pinterest            “I always follow back”            😉

Ps: You can find the picture here

❤        ❤


22 thoughts on “College: Expectations vs Reality, Advice and more…

  1. At first I was a damn introvert and I couldn’t make the first move to talk to a person. So I waited for them, and ended up waiting. Now, cause the circumstances are not always fair, I’ve learnt to talk to people. If you’re bad, try to be good at it cause you won’t always be able to stick to few of them always. Trust me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes you are right sweetie. I was just like you. But now I am trying to talk to people (sometimes even force myself). That’s how it works in college. I truly appreciate people like you who are open to share with others. Thank so much for your lovely comment😙🤗


      1. Yes you are. Trust me! Your writing is light, fun, easy to read but most importantly with a good message. After reading your post yesterday, I had a deep imagination full of thoughts. You inspire me and got me thinking: I have to start reading. That is when you know you are a writer.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. First off, that picture is literally me!!😂 haha! Also, I think one of the biggest things I learned in college was the importance of being organized..(which is something I have to work at on a daily basis!!) I also think that since going to college, I’ve gotten a little more outgoing!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hahahah. OMG YES!!!! Organization is key. Thank you for the mention. You can really stress and get overwhelmed if you don’t have a planner, to do lists and all the other fancy organization tools. I personally can easily forget a test or assignment if I am not organized. (and thats include even the room because your environment is very important). Thank you for the sweet comment ❤ ❤

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