DIY No-Sew Pillow

Aloha Friends!

I hope you are all doing well.

I was on Pinterest the other day (as always), and I came across some diys for summer decoration. A no-sew pillow diy popped. It was so intriguing to me that I couldn’t but try it myself and see how it will turn out. I mean, we can never have too many pillows! 😂  So if there is a way to make them that requires no sewing skills, I am for it. Continue reading “DIY No-Sew Pillow”

DIY: Jewelry Holder

Hello lovely people! 😊

I hope you are all doing well!

I am finally back to blogging, and it feels so good! I’ve been so busy with my studies (this semester was one of the hardest ones so far), and I wasn’t motivated to blog. I still find it very hard to balance between studying and blogging 😅, and I am always looking for tips on how to make it easier. So if you have any advice, I would appreciate if you share it.

Now that I am finally done with my exams, I can post more… yay. Also, if you are still not done with your exams or you are doing summer classes, I wish you a good luck. You will nail it 👊 Continue reading “DIY: Jewelry Holder”

Welcoming 2018: Cakes, DIY, Decoration…

Hello beautiful people!!

🎇Happy New Year🎇!!

These kind of celebrations remind me of how lucky I am to have you all as my friends; sharing these precious moments with you all is simply the best.

Although we don’t celebrate Christmas, my family and I do celebrate the start of a new year. My mom and I bake different cakes, and try to decorate the table to make it look as festive as possible.

I decided to share with you, in this post, the main steps we went through to celebrate New Year. From baking and Diys to decorating and spending time with family, this post is the highlights of the last day of 2017… Enjoy Continue reading “Welcoming 2018: Cakes, DIY, Decoration…”

DIY: Heart Plastic Box for Jewelry

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all doing well, and I hope you are enjoying the holidays 🎄.

Today, I decided to share with you this super cute Diy. It’s a little box made from a Coca Cola bottle that you can use to keep your jewelry (you know those jewelry that we leave everywhere and that make a mess in the room 😂). Continue reading “DIY: Heart Plastic Box for Jewelry”

From a Tissue to a Stunning mini Dress!

Hello family!

I hope you are having a lovely and safe day.

I was mind blown when I read about this idea. So I tried it myself, and of course had to share it with you as a lot of you enjoy my DIYs; which makes me joyful and pleased (btw thank you for all the lovely comments on my last post  🙂  ).

Continue reading “From a Tissue to a Stunning mini Dress!”

DIY :Flower Bouquet/ Summer Decoration

Hello family!

I hope you are all doing well and having a safe day!

Wow! we are already in July. Just know that :

~~ Every new month is like a fresh piece of paper and only YOU decide what will be written on it.~~ Continue reading “DIY :Flower Bouquet/ Summer Decoration”

Simple DIY/Organisation tips for BTS:

What’s up everyone !!

Hope you are doing well.

Today I am back with some Diy ideas to celebrate Back to school together. All of these DIY are super simple, affordable and cute. Again, if I can do it you can too. So let’s go ahead and get started!   🙂   Continue reading “Simple DIY/Organisation tips for BTS:”